A Moment of Oxygen Deprivation, or Just Plain Obliviousness?

Questions of the day:  Why did the gent on the classic celeste green Bianchi take such an interest in the two people who passed him going the other way on the bike path under the BU bridge yesterday afternoon?  Why was it so important for him to turn his head and stare after them as he rode, inadvertently forcing the on-coming rider to almost veer onto Storrow Drive?  Did he even notice that almost-disaster?  What caused him to feel the necessity to stop and turn around to catch those now-long-gone riders?  And lastly, was he upset when I screamed at him because his method of turning around was to wait until I was about 10 yards from him and then pivot 90 degrees so that his bike was suddenly a finely crafted, Italian made road block? Post Script: the same guy passed me later on, just before Porter Square on Massachusetts Avenue.  He seemed as disdainful of red lights as he did of other bicyclists.

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