I Get Lazy When I Don’t Ride

Has it really been two weeks since I posted? What have I been doing with my time? Oh yeah…. Watching three years worth of Battlestar Galactica. Why didn’t I watch that show when it was on? It was great!

I was off the bike for all of the Patriot’s Day week, because of weather & vacation issues. I got a couple of quick rides around Lexington in, and did manage to drag the kids out to run non-internally-combusted errands one day, but only riding about 30 miles in a week doesn’t lend itself to advancing my physical fitness, or mental willingness to add miles. This week it felt good to get back on in a systematic way through the commute.

Two observations the very first day, both while riding along Memorial Drive on the way in:

How ridiculous does it look to see a budding fashionista pulling her Chihuahua along on a leash while firmly and in a loud voice trying to get the poor dog to “Heel, Poncho! Heel!” Is the Chihuahua thinking to itself “I’m a lap-dog, dammit! You’re lucky I’m even out here walking with you. Why’d I draw a freaking anorexic owner?”

A couple of minutes later I pass a well dressed (wearing a tie while on a bike counts as well dressed) guy probably on his way into the financial district or maybe MIT, swerving along the bike path with one hand on the bar and the other holding his cell phone to his ear. How can a guy who’s obviously smart enough to advance in his chosen career be so stupid? He was one mini-pothole from going over the fence into the Charles. Freaking amateurs….

The rest of the week’s commutes didn’t produce anything particularly notable. Buses still seem to think I have a target on my back, and I’m still working out the algorithm that predicts how likely a bike rider is to push ahead of me at a stop-light and then ride slower than me after they run the light. The predictive elements seem to be obliviousness to pedestrians crossing in front of them, inability to ride a straight line, and (for some reason) beards.

Hopefully posting more next week. But it might depend on the availability of DVD’s for Battlestar Galactica season 4.

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